"Our family is happier and emotionally healthier because we received post permanency services through JFS! Lana learned how to process and explain where her biological and adoptive family stand in her life. She proudly displays her life book and references it often."
- Margo Stanton (Pictured: Lana Stanton)

I began seeing Malinda during an extremely trying time in my life, one that I never saw coming and had never thought of the need for counseling. I was determined to become a better person through my devastation. By having the ability to really look into what had happened, I discovered through the use of therapy I was able to heal myself in way I hadn’t even thought of as myself being in any way abnormal or problematic. I have become a much better person, one who has learned to work through lifes pains, emotions, good times and bad and not let the devastation dictate who I was to become. I’m forever grateful for how therapy has changed my life. I continue going to this day to keep myself on track to be the healthier me.
"I have become a much better person"
SeniorLinks coordinated the entire journey to bring mom home safely from the hospital after her fall. She wanted to remain in her home, but we didn’t know how to make that happen. Our care manager asked all the right questions, found the appropriate services, coordinated all of the details and got mom home from the hospital to a safe situation. We never could have managed all of that while working full time in a different state. – anonymous
"Our care manager asked all the right questions"

Morris, a gentle, soft -spoken senior, lived with his mother and her friend. He took good care of his mother, who was in poor health. But when his mother died, followed shortly thereafter by her friend, Morris was alone. His neighbors provided him with friendship and companionship, making him feel like part of a family again. Then Morris started getting bills for things he didn’t buy. And they kept coming, thousands of dollars in charges. Morris’ “friends” had stolen his identity. He was devastated and fell into a deep depression. Bill collectors were harassing him and he had nowhere to turn. His sister called the Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging, who referred him to JFS. We became his Power of Attorney, working with the Harrisburg police to bring the “friends” to justice and negotiating with his creditors to eliminate much of his debt. Today, Morris is happy and debt-free, and he considers JFS his family. “I don’t think they’ve helped anybody as much as they helped me. They might have, but G-d knows, I appreciated it.”
“The Greatest Bunch Of People I Ever Met.”
- Morris

When Jennifer and Michael were frustrated by their efforts to have a child, they turned to AdoptionLinks, the adoption and foster care program of JFS. As Jennifer explains, “JFS immediately came to mind, because we knew about the adoption department and the great reputation that it had.” AdoptionLinks worked with Jennifer and Michael to explain all their options, helped them get certified as foster parents and provided training and emotional support. “We started a support group before we were even matched with our son,” says Jennifer. “We could meet other adoptive families and learn about their experiences so that we could become better parents and make a good decision.” Once they became foster parents, Jennifer and Michael were matched with Ned, a young teen who had lived in several different homes over his short life. He moved into their home and less than a year later became their adoptive son. All through the process, AdoptionLinks was there to give them guidance, which continues to this day. They are a happy family, and Jennifer and Michael give Ned the stability and love he needs. “I finally don’t have to move around,” says Ned.
“They Supported Us The Entire Way.”
- Jennifer, Michael & Ned
I began seeing a therapist during an extremely trying time in my life, one that I never saw coming and had never thought of the need for counseling. I was determined to become a better person through my devastation. By having the ability to really look into what had happened, I discovered through the use of therapy I was able to heal myself in way I hadn’t even thought of. I have become a much better person, one who has learned to work through life’s pains, emotions, good times and bad and not let the devastation dictate who I was to become. I’m forever grateful for how therapy has changed my life. I continue going to this day to keep myself on track to be the healthier me.
"I’m forever grateful"
"We were happy to partner with JFS for our son's placement and adoption. We really appreciate the staff and their kindness to our family. They made every effort to help us complete the process in a timely manner. "
- Deborah and Daniel Bostdorf
"Thank you so much for taking such good care of my aunt, it brings me such comfort to know she has you in her corner."
"It brings me such comfort"
- B.D.
"It gives me such peace of mind that you are looking out for my sister. I know that you are giving her the same level of care and concern that I would if I was able to be there…"
"It gives me such peace of mind"
"It’s so good to see a familiar face…when I see you, I know that everything is going to be ok…"
"Everything is going to be ok"
"JFS is a godsend; I don’t know what we would do without you."
"JFS is a godsend"
It was very comforting to meet with a care manager and not only to confirm that we are doing a good job taking care of dad, but also to know that as his condition changes, we have a resource to help us with every twist and turn along the way.
"We have a resource to help us"