Easily Misunderstood: Easily Labeled

"If understood word being you that you angry to that understand up just down you a even don't 
parents frustrated not directions answering your give grades what going."

This is what a person with a slower processing speed may hear when you talk to them: EVERY 3rd word.

Now read that again without the missing words:

"If you only understood every 3rd word that was being spoken to you, what would that look like? 
You may seem angry and defiant to cover up that you cannot understand and keep up. Perhaps you 
just plain shut down? Or maybe you say "yes" a lot or even better, "I don't know." Your parents 
would be frustrated with you for not following their directions or properly answering your 
questions. Your teachers would give you poor grades and question what is actually going on."


No wonder parents, teachers and all typical-brained people misunderstand your child. A common misconception of those who need more time to process information and respond is that they are just plain dumb. This is blatantly false. Just because someone needs extra time to hear, think about, and then find the words or actions to respond has nothing to do with their level of intelligence. As stated earlier, our fast paced world values quickness and everything is fast, fast, fast. If we all would slow down and open our brains to a variety of processing styles, we could realize that the 10-second child in this 1-second world simply assimilates differently. They may do best with visual information vs. verbal.  They may thrive with clear and consistent expectations and routines throughout the day. Often if you take the time to meet these differently-wired children where they are, you can discover fabulous and surprising gifts. And if you are like me, perhaps you will discover valuable hidden lessons about how to slow down and live better.

Labeled: Education

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to avoid the inevitable labels that come with slower processing speeds. In schools, this will equate to diagnoses that can include ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and more. There really is no way around these labels. As the labels give your child access to the types and styles of instructions that work best for their brains. Seeing your child fully for who they are, accepting them, and then advocating for the learning environment where they can thrive must be the goal. Refer back to the Special Education Newsletter for working with your school to meet your child exactly where they are.

Mental Health Diagnoses

Sadly our 10 second kids often get labeled with far more damaging mental heath diagnoses as they appear to not follow directions. They are seen as manipulative and difficult. If your child is a 10-second child in our 1-second world and has been misunderstood at school and at home, they can actually develop true defiance as well as anxiety and depression. The bottom-line is that the earlier you intervene to identify this processing style the better. Schools need to work with your child and offer accommodations so they can learn best. And at home, you too need to shift your perspective and see your child for who they are. Being that 10 second child can be challenging but not knowing and denying is much harder. Keep reading this Newsletter, to learn practical ways to make some changes at home that can improve your lives.

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